Shamitabh is an upcoming Bollywood drama movie directed and produced by R Balki, Sunil Lulla along with other co-producers. Amitabh Bachann is going to perform a lead role in the movie along with south actor Dhanush and Akshara Hassan. After number of years Big B is working with 19th century’s Bollywood queen Rekha but they are not coming on the screen as couple. The name of the movie sounds similar to the Big B’s name but it’s not about his life. Shamitabh is a story of the old man and young guy Dhanush who is deaf and mute and Amitabh Bachann is going to be his voice in the movie. Music of the movie is composed by Ilaiya raja and may be two or one of the songs are sung by the actor (Amitabh Bachann) himself. Release date of the movie is not yet too finalized but probably it will release on 6th February 2015.
Thursday, 8 January 2015
Preview of Shamitabh
Shamitabh is an upcoming Bollywood drama movie directed and produced by R Balki, Sunil Lulla along with other co-producers. Amitabh Bachann is going to perform a lead role in the movie along with south actor Dhanush and Akshara Hassan. After number of years Big B is working with 19th century’s Bollywood queen Rekha but they are not coming on the screen as couple. The name of the movie sounds similar to the Big B’s name but it’s not about his life. Shamitabh is a story of the old man and young guy Dhanush who is deaf and mute and Amitabh Bachann is going to be his voice in the movie. Music of the movie is composed by Ilaiya raja and may be two or one of the songs are sung by the actor (Amitabh Bachann) himself. Release date of the movie is not yet too finalized but probably it will release on 6th February 2015.
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